WOONO's Blog

1. 현재의 배포판 저장소를 백업하거나 삭제한다. 아래는 백업 명령이다.

sudo mv /etc/zypp/repos.d /etc/zypp/repos.d-backup

2. 11.1 버전 OSS 저장소를 추가한다.(NON-OSS 라던가 팩맨 같은걸 추가하지 말자. 나중에 하는걸로 족하다.)

sudo zypper ar http://ftp.daum.net/opensuse/distribution/11.1/repo/oss openSUSE111

10.3 에서는 별도로 새로운 RPM 에 대응을 해야 하니 아래 명령어로 RPM을 업그레이드 해준다.

64 비트 일 때
sudo rpm -Uhv ‘http://ftp.daum.net/opensuse/distribution/11.0/repo/oss/suse/x86_64/rpm-4.4.2-199.1.x86_64.rpm’
32 비트 일 때
sudo rpm -Uhv ‘http://ftp.daum.net/opensuse/distribution/11.0/repo/oss/suse/i586/rpm-4.4.2-199.1.i586.rpm’

3. zypper 를 업그레이드 한다.

sudo zypper in zypper

4. 기타 non-oss라던가 팩맨, 비디오 드라이버 저장소를 추가해준다. 업데이트 저장소는 나중에 할 것이다.

5. 꾸러미 데이터베이스를 새로 고쳐준다.

sudo zypper ref

 6. 배포판 업그레이드를 본격적으로 한다. 네트워크로 할 것이므로 screen 을 활용 해보는 것도 좋다.

sudo zypper dup

7. 컴퓨터를 다시 부팅한다.

8. 업데이트 저장소를 추가한다.

sudo zypper ar http://ftp.daum.net/opensuse/update/11.1/ openSUSE-11.1-Update

9. 다시 꾸러미 데이터베이스를 새로 고쳐준다.

sudo zypper ref

10. 필요하면 업데이트 하고, 업그레이드를 종료.

이상 업그레이드에 대해 알아보았다. 의문점이 있다면 이 글의 기초가된 아래 링크를 먼저 살펴보는것도 좋다. 여기에는 11.0 에서 11.1 로 업그레이드시 문제점에 대한 내용이 기술되어 있다.


Posted by woono
아래사이트에서 nabi 를 받는다.


마우스를 더블클릭하여 설치한다.

/etc/sysconfig/language 파일을 열어서 아래와 같이 붉은 글씨부분 “nabi”를 삽입한다

## Path: System/Environment/Language
## Type: string(scim,uim,kinput2,kinput2-canna,kinput2-wnn,nabi,wnn,atokx,xcin,none)
## Default: “”
# A default input method to be used in X11 can be selected here.
# If this variable is set and a script with the same name
# as the value of this variable exists in the directory /etc/X11/xim.d/
# this script is sourced when X11 is started to start an input method.
# The special value “none” (/etc/X11/xim.d/none) means:
# Do not use any input method at all.
# For more details see the comments at the top of /etc/X11/xim.
## Path: System/Environment/Language
## Description:
## Type: string(POSIX,ca_ES.ISO-8859-1,ca_ES.UTF-8,cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2,cs_CZ.UTF-8,da_DE@euro,da_DK.ISO-8859-1,da_DK.UTF-8,de_DE@euro,de_DE.ISO-8859-1,de_DE.UTF-8,el_GR.ISO-8859-7,el_GR.UTF-8,en_GB.ISO-8859-1,en_GB.UTF-8,en_IE@euro,en_IE.ISO-8859-1,en_US.ISO-8859-1,es_ES@euro,es_ES.ISO-8859-1,es_ES.UTF-8,fr_FR@euro,fr_FR.ISO-8859-1,fr_FR.UTF-8,gl_ES@euro,gl_ES.ISO-8859-1,gl_ES.utf-8,hr_HR.ISO-8859-2,hu_HU.ISO-8859-2,hu_HU.UTF-8,it_IT@euro,it_IT.ISO-8859-1,it_IT.UTF-8,ja_JP.eucJP,ja_JP.UTF-8,lt_LT.ISO-8859-13,lt_LT.UTF-8,nl_NL@euro,nl_NL.ISO-8859-1,nl_NL.UTF-8,ru_RU.ISO-8859-5,ru_RU.KOI8R,ru_RU.UTF-8,sk_SK.ISO-8859-2,sk_SK.UTF-8,tr_TR.ISO-8859-9,tr_TR.UTF-8,ko_KR.eucKR,ko_KR.UTF-8,zh_TW.Big5,zh_TW.UTF-8,zh_CN.GB2312,zh_CN.UTF-8)
## Default: “”
## Config: OpenOffice.org,groff,ispell,kde,kdm,profiles,susehelp,susewm,tetex,wdm
# Local users will get RC_LANG as their default language, i.e. the
# environment variable $LANG . $LANG is the default of all $LC_*-variables,
# as long as $LC_ALL is not set, which overrides all $LC_-variables.
# Root uses this variable only if ROOT_USES_LANG is set to “yes”.

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# This variable will override all LC-variables!!
# Again, ROOT_USES_LANG must be set to “yes”, if an effect on the superuser
# account is desired.

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# This defines the locale in which messages of programs and
# libraries with i18n-support should appear if a translated
# message catalog for the library or the program is installed.
# This also provides localized yes/no answers.

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# This defines the locale for character handling and classification.
# The libc uses this value in language dependent function calls, such
# as e.g. uppercase/lowercase mapping of foreign characters.

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# This defines the locale for sorting strings and characters.
# It is used by the libc to obtain the alphabetical order of characters
# (e.g. for string comparisons).

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# This defines the locale for date and time output formats.
# i.e.: 06/09/1999 vs. 09.06.1999

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# This defines the locale for formatting and reading numbers.
# i.e.: 1,234.56 vs. 1.234,56

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# This defines the locale for formatting and reading money values.

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# This defines the locale for format of paper.

## Type: string(ctype)
## Default: ctype
# This defines if the user “root” should use the locale settings
# which are defined here.
# Value “ctype” means that root uses just LC_CTYPE.

## Type: yesno
## Default: no
# Workaround for missing forward of LANG and LC variables
# of e.g. ssh login connections.

## Type: string
## Default: “”
# List of installed language supports, use by YaST2


Posted by woono

VMWare-Tools in VMWare Virtualization software enhances the mouse and display performances on the guest operating system. When openSUSE linux operating systen runs as a guest os, installing the VMWare Tools isn’t straight forward as it seems. However, it isn’t diffcult.

To install VMWare Tools for openSUSE guest OS, please try the following.

1. Get the guest openSUSE operating system up and running on VMWare.

2. Install the required utilities on the guest openSUSE operating system:

root@opensuse/# yast2 –install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-source make


3. From the “VM” menu in VMWare, click “Install VMWare Tools”. This will mount a virtual CDROM media on the guest openSUSE system with a VMWare Tools installation RPM & a Tar/gzip file.

4. Right-click on the RPM and select “Open with Package Installer”, enter the root password and complete the installation.


root@opensuse/# rpm -i VMwareTools-7.8.5-156735.i386.rpm

5. Once installed, run the VMWare-config-tools perl script as follows:

root@opensuse/# /usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl

Answer the prompts and complete the configuration.

6. Reboot the guest OS (openSUSE)

root@opensuse/# reboot


Posted by woono

General machine setup

Configure your network and make sure that all components are current, by running YaST Online Update regularly. Parts of the HTTP protocol depend on correct time. Configure machine as a NTP client, either with the YaST configuration module or by editing /etc/ntp.conf (just put a server name into it) and running

rcntp start
chkconfig -a ntp

Installation of Apache packagesInstall the package or the complete LAMP server pattern.

zypper in apache2
zypper in -t pattern lamp_server


If you run a firewall, make sure to allow access to HTTP(s) ports if the server should be reachable from other machines. The supplied configurations are called apache2 and apache2-ssl. They can be enabled via YaST, by adding them to FW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT in /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 or issuing these commands:

sysconf_addword /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 FW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT apache2
sysconf_addword /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 FW_CONFIGURATIONS_EXT apache2-ssl
rcSuSEfirewall2 restart 

Starting the server
Start the server and configure it to automatically start at boot time.

rcapache2 start
chkconfig -a apache2


Adding web pages

The default DocumentRoot is at /srv/www/htdocs, put the files there.

Apache Modules

Enable required Apache Modules by editing APACHE_MODULES in /etc/sysconfig/apache2. Modules can be enabled/disabled/listed with the commands below. Any such operation requires a restart of the service.

a2enmod php5
a2dismod perl
a2enmod -l
/etc/init.d/apache restart


Custom configuration

Add/edit configuration for all virtual hosts to /etc/apache2/default-server.conf. Edit APACHE_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES in /etc/sysconfig/apache2 to include configurations from external files. To understand the hierarchy and layout of all include files, read the comments at the top of httpd.conf The old, single, 40K, monolithic configuration file is available in /usr/share/doc/packages/apache2/httpd-std.conf-prefork.


Read any error messages when you start the service. Reproduce what is not working and see how it is reflected in thelogs. The log files can be monitored in a root shell:

tail -F /var/log/apache2/*

If you suspect a bug, please report it.
http Server Gui Install

zypper in yast2-http-server

Posted by woono

1. OpenSuse 에서 YsST2 > 소프트웨어 > 소프트웨어 저장소를 실행

2. “추가” 버튼을 클릭한다.

3. “HTTP” 를 선택하고 “다음” 버튼을 클릭

4. 서버디렉토리 항목에서 아래와 같이 입력해준다.

저장소이름 : daum
서버이름  : ftp.daum.net
서버상의 디렉토리 : /opensuse/update/11.1/

5. 우선순위를 “10″ 정도로 바꾸고 확인을 누르면 우선순위를 “daum”을 기본으로 해서 업데이트해준다.

Posted by woono